Why take a Newborn to an Osteopath?

Why take a Newborn to an Osteopath?

8 November 2011

Baby has finally arrived! The relief knowing that your baby is healthy as well as all the congratulatory comments from those around you may not be enough to keep you from wondering whether the birth had any negative effects on your baby’s body. There is a solution—a preventive consultation with an osteopath.

Why consult an osteopath?

Babies can experience a variety of medical problems as early on as their birth. These problems can be caused by a long and difficult delivery but pregnancy can also be a source of discomfort for the child, as surprising as that may seem. An uncomfortable position in the mother’s pelvis, a narrow growing space and a breech presentation can all cause the baby pain from strong pressure points.

Parents cannot see everything. Our bodies compensate and adopt poor postures in order to mask dysfunction. Based on a precise and in-depth observation, an osteopath can detect minor problems and foresee what may worsen or become chronic over time. For that reason, osteopaths welcome all newborns for a preventive visit.

What is involved?

An osteopath begins by asking questions about the baby’s health and behaviour, the pregnancy and the delivery. Subsequent observation can then reveal key information.

Osteopathic techniques on babies are very gentle, painless and do not involve any constraints on the body. They may not be visibly apparent. A very light pressure from the fingers is applied to unblock tensions. Free from their small aches and pains, babies can develop normally and thrive.

When should you consult an osteopath?

Osteopathy is often recommended following a difficult birth (forceps, vacuum extraction, breech presentation) or if the baby has digestive problems or a stiff neck. However, an osteopath can intervene at any time, such as during the baby’s first days, in order to perform a preventive consultation.

À propos de l'auteur

Christine Dierick, D.O.

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